Community Work Recognised

Feb 5 2024 18:35

We are delighted to share some of the recent recognition that our successful Queen of the South Community Trust has been getting.

The amazing work on behalf of the community by Dan, Kieran and the team has been recognised in some very high places. Last week Dan Armstrong (& Dougie!) were invited by David Mundell to 10 Downing Street for a reception at which he met with the Rt Hon Lucy Frazer KC MP, Secretary of State for Culture Media & Sport, along with many other MP’s and Sports Champions. Dan was invited down as a Sports Champion for his work over several years growing the community footprint of the club. This was an amazing experience and helps to promote the work of the Trust in the community. With over 18 projects, from food provision to employability, education, after school provision, walking football, and everything in between, we are delighted that this hard work has been recognised.

Also last year, Dan was invited by Fiona Armstrong, Lord Lieutenant of Dumfries, to attend the King’s Garden Party at Holyrood House in Edinburgh in recognition of his work with the Community Trust. This was another opportunity to spread the word of the work done in the community by the Club and Trust and Dan was honoured to attend on their behalf.

The Community Trust also won the ‘Voluntary Group / Charity of the Year” whilst Dan Armstrong won the “Young Entrepreneur of the Year” at the annual D&G Life Awards before Christmas.

We’d like to take another opportunity to thank Dan and the team for everything they do.

Queen of the South Football Club Limited. All rights reserved.
Company Registration Number SC012085